Thursday, June 17, 2010

Arabic Etiquette: "Interrogations"...

The Arabs in general, inherent in a more peaceful than the Europeans, the ratio of the time. So if your standard business visit to an Arab country is scheduled, then be prepared for the fact that the program will continually violated. Any kind of negotiations and meetings should not be limited timeframes, and better pre-assume that will happen some delay. This is sometimes annoying representatives of Western culture, but if you start to insist on the implementation timetable, for example, then the Arab partner can give the impression that he is dealing with a very impatient person, and, moreover, excessively demanding.

Who first comes to the tent

Arriving at the office to the Arab partner in the appointed hour, you might not find him there. But you can be sure that the staff of his company will take you well. If you are offered coffee, served him in a small cup, and pour the coffee will be as long as you do not put a cup on the tray, after shaking her thumb and forefinger.

If your partner went out to Arabic to meet you halfway to the door, then, seeing you in his office, he will likely enter into it first, instead, to let the guests in advance, as provided for western tradition. This goes back to ancient times, when Badawi, inviting guests to his tent, went to his first, to show that there is safe and there is an ambush.

If you go anywhere with the Arabs, it must be remembered that the advantage is the one who is right. Therefore, at the entrance, exit, landing in the elevator, etc. first starts to move someone who is right.


At the talks the Arabs are trying to establish an atmosphere of mutual trust. Providing a warm welcome to a friend, business partner or just a stranger, the Arabs appreciated when the same attention to itself in relation to themselves. The introductory part of a business meeting - the greetings, questions, exchange of stock phrases - lasts a long time. In Arabic-speaking countries, whether talking on the phone, meeting in the office or on the street, according to Arab etiquette taken constantly questions as to its success, good health, family ... Such an "interrogation" can provoke a European, but for the Arabs it is very important. This is the basis of their etiquette and culture. Moreover, these duty issues does not imply the detailed detailed answers. Answers should be brief, sometimes, purely ritualistic.

Left hand

Being in Arab countries or even in the Middle East, we must remember that the left hand in the Islamic countries is considered "unclean". The same, incidentally, also applies to India. The fact that the left hand is used to wash intimate parts (washing instead of using toilet paper is quite justified in terms of hygiene, especially in hot climates). Therefore, transfer documents, business cards or gifts to it are prohibited, unless you previously did not tell them that you are left-handed.

If you are invited pilaf hands, using only his right hand. The notion of context of his left hand with failure, trouble, misfortune, and right - with happiness and success, as reflected in the Koran and the Bible.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Arabic Etiquette: Making Acquaintance with the Arabs

When one becomes acquainted with the Arabs, just as with many other cultures, should be observed a certain ritual.

The man, regardless of age and position, always presents himself first to a woman.

Younger men or her position should be a senior: the boy appears the man, man - Sheikh, etc.

If acquainting people are equal in age and position, the blank should be submitted to a married man and an unmarried woman - to a married.

One man seems a group of people. The woman appears to couple the first.

Since the people who represent a new acquaintance, one must say Fursa Said, which is translated as "very nice to meet you" or "pleased to meet you." Literally, Fursa Said means "good luck".

When acquaintance or meeting agreed to exchange handshakes. The custom of shaking hands has a long history and deep meaning. And the fact that for a handshake should be directed to the right hand, is not accidental. After all, the right hand is almost always clutching a sword hilt. Offering it at a meeting, the person thus showing that he had good intentions.

When meeting a man hugging and touching each other, first one cheek, then another, while patting my back and shoulders. If men had not seen for a long time and they know close enough, then they usually greet each other three times a kiss on both cheeks, in each other's arms. In the West, it was generally accepted, when a meeting or even acquaintance, a man could kiss a woman on the cheek. From the perspective of the Arab and wider - Islamic, etiquette, such actions are totally unacceptable.

Arab women are confused when, for example, at various diplomatic receptions they begin a sign of respect and greetings to kiss hands outstretched for a handshake. The Egyptian diplomat, Mohamed Abdel Fattah Shabbana in his book "Talking to people and etiquette, the Board about an Arab woman does not reach out and confine nod. And at the same time ensure that in her hands has always been a handbag or scarf. It will be a sign for "near" the representatives of Western culture that give a hand to kiss it is not going.

Arabic etiquette and time

A part of our daily lives are negotiations. And this is especially important ability to maintain personal contacts with Arab partners. After all, for the Arabs is nothing more important to human communication. You can easily see this in everyday life, for example, when you visit any store. For the seller, Arabs bargaining process itself, and talk with the buyer is sometimes more important than the final result.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Arabic and Islamic Etiquette

What is etiquette?

Etiquette - is the established order of behavior in society. Misunderstanding often leads to interpretation of foreign customs through the prism of their own.

For example, in Algeria and Egypt, after a successful joke or visual companion decided stretching his hand on which the other person hits his hand, while a Russian outstretched hand is perceived as an intention to take leave, and they start to shake than a cause of great perplexity interlocutor.

Modern etiquette in the Arab world is influenced by several factors.

Arabic and Islamic Etiquette

Islam, as is known, is the state religion in most Arab countries. Theoretically, the life of every Muslim, every action, and even his thoughts, is strictly regulated by the Quran and Sunnah. In the Muslim world, the Qur'an has always been and continues to have now a huge influence on the formation of human personality: it plays an important role in

1. formation of man's relationship to other people;

2. in the formation of attitude toward the world as a whole;

3. in shaping the norms of behavior and communication.

Islam affects even to other religious denominations in the Arab world. Thus, the Coptic Christian church in Egypt under the influence of the process of Islamization has acquired some of the features peculiar to Islam: Copts can not shoot in a church hat, but very often take off their shoes when entering.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Arabic etiquette: the promise in Arabic or "bukra insha-lla"

While in the Arab world and dealing with the Arabs, be prepared for what you have to face with one feature of the Arabs - to avoid certain and unequivocal answers like "yes" or "no." Rather than promise to do something, they say insha-lla, which means "if God wishes".

That is an expression insha-lla is used to mean "most likely yes."

Bukra, which means "tomorrow" in the Egyptian dialect, is used to mean "not today".

Switzer-seamstresses, used in promises, which generally means "slowly, not today and not tomorrow, but God willing, everything will be done."

And the expression maalesh - "nothing, it will do" - is used when a person is late or unable to do anything.

So when you make an agreement about something with the Arabs, especially when it comes to the Egyptians, you always hear in response bukra insha-lla, ie, "if God wills, then tomorrow everything will be ready." And here you need a very clear idea that perhaps tomorrow there will be nothing done, or because "God does not wish, or interfere with something else. An attempt to "put pressure" on the Arab partner, and to squeeze out of it time-bound agreement is unlikely to lead to something. Most likely, he just mess about you opinion, and he did not understand why you're so nervous, because it is already doing everything possible.

Once in Egypt, leader of the delegation of Russian students lived in a dorm room, which is not lockable. She was told that the key to the room where something is, but he lost, and promised to find him soon. Resentment and fear of the ladies are well understood, and so, after four days, promises to find the key to her room, or move it to another room and numerous bukra insha-lla her patience is exhausted. Talking to the administration of the hostel at a very high tones, she sent for the same, a key. He was found within half an hour! However, the rest of the month of her stay in the country, almost every day to her approaching administrator dormitories and explained to her in English and in Arabic the same thing: "we tried, we searched for the key, we did everything we could and we did not understand why it was so nervous. We still gave you the key! " Needless to say, that this situation does not contribute to good and partnership relations between Russian and Egyptian counterparts.

The same applies to the meetings. If you make an agreement with an Arab meet, say, two hours of the day, asking if he would be in two, then the answer you'll hear the same insha-lla. This means that it may well be arrived late for 15 minutes at best. Apologies if this do not wait, because the fact that he arrived late, was not his fault that it happened by the will of God, and your upset his expectation of the form does not arouse any sympathy for Arabs. If you begin to hint at the fact that being late is not good, count on a complete misunderstanding on the part of your Arab partners.

Therefore, communicating with your Arab colleagues, rely on the possible delay on, that promise can not always run at the appointed time, the fact that many in the Arab world depends on the case or, in other words, the will of God. Relax and try to learn from your colleagues, the Arab ability to feel life in every passing minute.

At the same time, in the Arab world there are exceptions, it is primarily about Syria. As practice shows, the Syrians are extremely punctual. Syrian hardly arrived late to a meeting, he may even come a little ahead of time. The same can be said about the inhabitants of Jordan.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cosmetics and perfumes of Yemen' women. Part 2

In Yemen, the distinction between married and unmarried women is very important. The general rule is that the unmarried do not use cosmetics, in special cases may only be a coloring. But married women should not use cosmetics if the spouse is away or died, as well as in large families where the woman, although it may appear to Devereux with an open face, but he should not see her makeup. The paint and fragrances can be used only in the presence of her husband and immediate family members, as well as in the presence of other women.

After the wedding titivation using cosmetics, perfumes, appropriate clothing and jewelry are not only permitted but is even considered necessary, if a woman wants to remain desirable for a husband. That is, on the one hand, part of the marital debt, an expression of love and respect for her husband and their self-worth, and with another - symbolized the status of married women. Fawn Brook tells how once in the ladies' society, she showed her friend the Yemeni woman, newly married. The woman studied at Oxford and dressed simply, according to European fashion. Yemen friend commented briefly on the situation: "My husband would soon divorce her."

Function colors and flavors is primarily to stimulate sexual activity of her husband. Most often, sexual activity increases the aromatic substances of animal origin. A cosmetic cream and means for fumigation are used mainly on Thursdays and before the holidays, ie before the holidays, when the couple go to bed together, or when her husband returns from his trip.

Cosmetics in any case not intended to draw attention to themselves strangers in the street. If a woman is going to walk in the afternoon meeting, it should not use perfume. When her hands wearing makeup, she wears gloves. In addition to the family circle, afternoon meeting, women are more able - or even a public duty - to use and to demonstrate "means of beauty." Here, firstly, should include daily visits to relatives, girlfriends and neighbors, which occur mainly in the afternoon to evening prayer. Even more important in our context are visits during religious or family celebrations, such as birth, circumcision, marriage, the return of the pilgrimage. Those and other visits are often made without warning, especially if there is no phone.

In this case, and the hostess, and visitor has a role. Along with the use of spirits, fumigation is, above all, a part of the greeting ritual. "Odors are an essential part of hospitality: it is believed that they contribute to creating a very relaxed atmosphere" (Meneley A. Tournaments of Value. Sociability and Hierarchy in Yemeni Town. Toronto, 1996). Compliance with all customs hostess has the honor to their guests.

Similarly, the visitor, using cosmetics, shows his respect for the hostess. The coloring of ink from the bile is an expression of close relations between the parties. Each new incoming visitor carefully scanning the present and evaluated. Evaluated as the observance of common rules, and originality of women, the use of her own recipes and, of course, its material capabilities, which are also demonstrated in this case. The coloring of the body, the use of spirits and funds for fumigation reflect the social status of women. They pay attention to no less than on clothing and jewelry, discuss them and asks: "Who made your coloring?", "Where to buy the means for fumigation?", "How much does it cost?" etc.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cosmetics and perfumes of Yemen' women

The book of a German researcher - Arabist Hannah Schoening "Cosmetics and perfumes of Yemen women "Substances Lexicon, supplies and equipment," released in 2002 was dedicated to the topic which is very important for specialists in South Arabia. Many travelers mentioned peculiarities of the local cosmetics (yellow faces, green eyebrows, painted with henna palm), wrote about the fragrant smoke of incense and the bitterness of myrrh. Hannah Schoening presents detailed monographic study, the first of its kind.

Hannah Schoening

In Arabic literature, feminine beauty and standards of beauty was devoted to a particular literary genre, the pre-Islamic poetry, the theme of beauty beloved was the main. In the intonation of Arabic poem description "of beauty" Arab (this refers to clothing, jewelry and cosmetics) has a significant place.

The coloring of the body with various substances occurs worldwide and has been known since antiquity. As before, this combination medicine, magic and pure aesthetics, although the emphasis today is carried on the aesthetic aspect. Sometimes difficult to determine what is the subject - or ornament amulet, and to differentiate its dual function, as difficult to understand, I used just a cosmetic for beauty, as medicine and, above all, protection from evil eye.

Asked about the appointment of cosmetics are usually responsible: for beauty, bearing in mind the visual and olfactory side. This explanation surprised even European travelers in the second half of 19 - 20 in the first half., Watching ugly, in their opinion, coloring bodies of local residents, which once again demonstrates the subjectivity and relativity of the concept of "beauty".

"I've never seen anything more disgusting than the women with painted faces. When they lifted the veil, it is difficult to imagine that they are people. I saw his eyes, decorated with blue and red fish, which goes into their heads nose. The upper part of his face was yellow, bottom - green, with small black spots, and under the nostrils, similar to the two red cherries, stretched the green band on top of paint gleamed. forehead was, painted with three red lines, whiskers painted in red, yellow, green cheeks, crossed the lane "(Ben T., Mr. and Mrs. Southern Arabia. Reading. London, 1994).

In Hadzhreyne Doreen Ingrams watched as women without a special occasion painted their faces in "yellow paste made of wood, known as Varya, his forehead painted the green and red lines, so that when they considered themselves very attractive, steel, in my view, similar to clowns ... Their bare arms and legs were smeared with Vars and covered with a layer of gray mud, as if these women had just endured some serious illness "(Ingrams DA Time in Arabia. London, 1970).

Aesthetics and health are also closely related to each other: strong, healthy hair, for example, are at the same time, and beautiful. Strict division into categories and thus distinction between the functions of cosmetic products can not produce any drogisty and consumers. Indeed, many of the substances are several or even all the roles - such as saffron.

To Be Continued...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Arabic (Eastern) cuisine

Oriental cuisines Arab countries have many common features, for example - the use of common products, such as lamb, goat, veal, chicken, beans, rice and fresh vegetables, as well as ways of cooking.

In eastern cuisine, unlike Chinese, which is often used pork, Arabs do not eat pork. A dish of fish and milk products occupy in the Arab cuisine quite important. Another feature of Arab cuisine is the use of olive oil, as well as widespread use of various herbs and spices.

For Arab cuisine is typical of the special processing of meat without any fat, when the temperature of the pan is brought to 300 °, and meat coming into contact with its hot surface, coagulates and forms a crust that keeps the product of meat juice. With this method of meat dish is particularly tender and juicy. The other major way - first the meat is roasted on a hot, dry pan, then fried in a pan with oil. As a garnish Arabs often served fried or steamed vegetables, or steamed rice.

Most soups Arab cuisine prepared in a meat broth. The most popular among the Arabs of soups with beans and rice, peas and noodles, peas and potatoes, green beans, etc.

From Second dishes - meat stew and fried, chicken stewed in tomato sauce with vegetables, pilaf. A common meal in many Eastern nations is wheat or corn gruel. In Saudi Arabia, it is usually poured sour milk. Sometimes it is spread in the form of a pyramid and filled with fat and covered in small pieces of meat. Is popular as cereal flour, mix with olive oil and cayenne pepper.

A significant part of the diet of Arab cuisine occupy all kinds of fruits, especially figs, which are no less important than the grains. Most of them make the paste, which can store all year round.

The traditional drink of Oriental cuisine - coffee. The process of cooking and drinking is a complicated procedure, first roasted corn, stirring them to a small metal rod. Grain coffee is ground in a mortar with a special observance of a certain rhythm. Cook coffee in a copper and brass vessels of three sizes, similar to the kettles. Typically, coffee drink without sugar, but with the addition of spices - cloves and cardamom. In Egypt, for example, there are three "types" of coffee - "Garden", "Ziyad" and "masbuta" - empty, that is, no sugar, very sweet and average.

Another popular beverage in Egypt - "muses bi al-lyaban" - a milkshake with grinded bananas, which is very easy to prepare at home, especially if the mixer. As they say the Egyptians, it is easy, but at the same time very rich.

It is interesting to note that the "Alexandria" kitchen quite significantly different from the "Cairo" cuisine, fish dishes and condiments that are served in Alexandria, in fact no different from the Cypriot cuisine. For example, Egyptians, Cypriots are convinced that the "hummus" - paste condiment of yellow peas, with sesame sauce tehina and olive oil - it is their traditional dish.

In Syria and Lebanon, representatives of the traditional eastern cuisine are meat dishes such as "KUBBA" - fried or boiled balls of meat, fish, various spices, lamb roasted on a spit, vegetables stuffed with meat, yahni - hotpot. The most common of dairy products - lyaban Hamid - fermented boiled milk. From it is prepared cheese, dry cheese, soft drink huneyna.

My favorite national dish of Iraqis are pilaf with lamb and rice, which usually add raisins, figs and almonds, "yahni" - a dish with relish reminiscent of stew, wheat bread, mixed with the sour milk, sweet food: candy, candied fruit. Among drinks available black coffee, which almost always drink without sugar, but with the addition of saffron and nutmeg, tea, diluted with water, sour milk.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Arabic Gestures


The most common gesture of greeting - a handshake, followed by a mark of respect and attention, the Arabs press one's right hand to the heart. This is a very old and beautiful gesture, it runs quickly, lightly touching the chest with fingers. If relations are very warm and close, then after exchanging handshakes people embrace, pressing the cheeks to each other. From a distance, seeing his good friend, an Arab raises his hand, palm forward and greets him, waving the hand.

Expression of friendship

In order to express friendship, the Arabs escort their speech with a special gesture: both index fingers of both hands are pressed together with outer sides, the other fingers are clenched. Pressed index finger slightly rubbing against each other. With this gesture the Arab shows how a person is close to him. Index finger are brothers!


Arabs are not stingy with the praise, but as far as it is sincere, it's hard to judge. Very often the compliments said to the other party is an ancient oriental tradition. In any case, to hear a good word in one's address is always nice.

The next gesture is used to express admiration for the exterior of his companion, and often refers to women, although often addressed to men. Let's call it the "dimple": the right index finger makes a fast rotation in a clockwise direction on the right cheek in the place of the imaginary dimple - a finger, as it indicates the presence of dimples on the cheek of man, which is very loved by the Arabs. The gesture is accompanied by a number of replicas and compliments to the companion.

Asking again, misunderstanding

Gesture "the lamp" is used when the sides are at any distance from each other. The performance of the gesture is very similar to the process of twisting the lamps, but it is made quickly. Right hand is moving towards the partner and put together in such a way as if someone has a lamp in the hand. With questioning look on the face with the hand it is made a fast rotational-spin clockwise motion.

Annoyance, dissatisfaction

Gesture "click": the tip of the right thumb a little pressed to the tip of the middle finger, index finger at the same time is in the relaxed state. Make any sudden movements with the hand down, with the index finger with a force hits the middle finger. The effect of gesture is that when it is satisfied there is a loud click, even a clap, hand while should not be too tight, otherwise the clap will not work. The sharp movement of the hand can be performed once or several times, depending on the degree of dissatisfaction and frustration, in which the man-more movement, the more people dissatisfied.


Gesture "angle": the tips of thumb and forefinger of the right hand contact with each other, forming a ring, the other fingers are exposed forward. With the wrist of the hand, top to bottom and from left to right, draw in the air right angle, while the hand itself is at the chest level. The gesture is usually accompanied by satisfaction words.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Belly dance has many roots...

Long before our time, the Egyptians invented such a wonderful art form as a belly dance. It is believed that this dance is traditional for the Middle East. Many people believe that belly dance is merely erotic in nature, but this view is incorrect. Belly Dance in the Middle East is a symbol of love and respect for the person to whom it is intended. The beauty of dance and striking beauty is visible even to those who have a misconception about this form of art.

Images of dancing people can be seen on the frescoes of the ancient temples of Mesopotamia and Egypt. It is believed that they describe the ancient ritual dance on the fertility and the birth of a new life. Priestesses danced in the temples, through their dance appealed to the spirit of the Great Goddess. Some of the movements of oriental dances of those times could be preserved and modern belly dance. Among the Greek manuscripts can be found a description Nile dancers, who used his dances of various kinds shakes and vibration.

In the 80's of 19 century oriental dance, in those times called Salomea Dance, became widespread in Europe. In part this is owing to Mata Hari, who declared herself as the belly dancer (oriental dance).

At the heart of oriental dances are temperament and liberation. Arabic belly dance can be considered as a measure of woman's seductiveness. Having mastered this magnetic dance women feel their female charms. This dance helps a woman to develop femininity and sexuality; philosophy of dance is the love for oneself, self-expression, possession of body and soul. Oriental belly dance is not only a brilliant technique, but also feelings, musicality and artistry.

Until recently, historians were of the opinion that such activities were designed to make a woman more plastic, sexier and more attractive to men, so that in future she could claim to be the favorite wife of the harem and become very rich for the rest of her live.

Oriental dance as a way to improve health and increase vitality: a remedy for depression, a cure for a number of gynecological diseases (are known cases of infertility cures). In belly dance work virtually all muscle groups, in particular, those that are not involved in daily life.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yemen Travelling

Travelling in Yemen has become a common practice for educated Europeans - one of the poorest countries in the world that was once the richest power during the reign of Queen of Sheba. Caravans of gold, spices and diamonds came through Yemen. From former luxury remained temples, fortresses and millennial ruins - and two Seas, the Red and Arabian, 110 islands and the endless chains of hungry mountain villages.

Even the risk of kidnapping by some tribe doesn't stop the travelers. According to the World Tourism Organization, in 1997, when it was kidnapped a record number of foreigners - 36 people, Yemen attended by the biggest number of tourists - 75 thousand. Revenues from tourism jumped to 69 million dollars, that is 64 per cent more than in 1996. The two most thorough European airlines - Lufthansa German and Dutch KLM - by the end of the year increased the number of flights to Yemen from two to three times a week, and Yemenia Airlines performs flights to London, Rome and Madrid. Hence, it is profitable. The main market for tourism in Yemen is Italy and Germany (leaders), but it appears more interested in Belgium, Britain, France and Spain.

Yemen authorities tried to decrease the risk of kidnaps, but this has not prevented 115 foreigners, among whom were mainly tourists, to be held hostage by armed tribes in the past five years. But they were all released, including British family, whicn was held 2 weeks and then released. In such kidnapping cases no harm is caused to people. For 100 years it no one foreigner has been killed - in contrast to the Egypt. By the hostages, tribal members are treated as guests and are often sent home with a souvenir - a memento of the adventure. Still, the elementary precaution is necessary. It is better to travel in groups with security, to use the services of major travel agencies and avoid risky areas - such as Maarib, Shabwa and Al-Dzhouf. In Sana'a - Yemen's capital since 1993, was kidnapped only one person.

Hotels, however, are not enough. Especially the four-and five-star. Of 229 local hotels only few meet international standards. And the hotel of an international network of "Meridien", which opened in 2000 in Sana'a, didn't change the situation - there is no investments here. The only thing that can really compensate for the lack of comfort are historical monuments and nature reserves, this fabulous open-air museum. Will the tourists - will be money. And the great country of Sheba will be called again, as once, Arabia felix - happy Arabia.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The first Christian church in the world...

Jordanian archaeologists have discovered a church that can be considered the first Christian church in the world. The discovery was made in the village of Rihab, which is located 40 kilometers northeast of the Jordanian capital Amman.

The finding dating from 33 to 70 year AD, is located under the church of St. George in Rihab. In the cave, found under the temple, there is a circular apse, and several stone seats for clergy.

According to archaeologists, the early Christians fled from Jerusalem, where were persecuted and secretly practiced their rites in this underground church. Ministry of Tourism of Jordan has promised that this unique monument can be visited by the tourists.

It should be noted that Jordan and the opening in Rihab was a country on the territory of which were placed first among the extant Christian churches. In particular, in the town of Mafraq in the east is a church built in 230 year - 82 years earlier than the temple in Turkey, which has long been considered the oldest. In addition, in Aqaba were discovered during excavations in the ruins of the ancient church, which also date from the third century.

Medical Tourism in the Middle East

Middle East has all opportunities for the development of medical tourism

Given the rising price of medical care in Europe, America and Asia, the Middle East promises to become a popular destination for travelers wishing to combine rest with treatment. However, according to experts, in order to get the appropriate reputation, the authorities in the region must first improve the environment.

Middle East -is a nominally-named region of West Asia, situated between Europe and Pakistan, usually it is the combination of the Middle East with Iran and Afghanistan. The number of medical centers in the Middle East is constantly increasing, they are known for quality service, good equipment and relatively low prices. The main competitor of Arab clinics at the moment are Asian: tourists prefer to be treated in exotic locations. However, the peculiarity of Eastern culture can not fail to attract new guests. Authorities of the region intend to increase investment in health and medical tourism in particular.

In its turn, the recent publication Nuwire Investors, specializing in information on investments, totaled rating states - leaders of the international medical tourism. First place was awarded to Panama, followed by Brazil, Malaysia, Costa Rica and India.

Water from the Red Sea will be pumped into the Dead Sea

Water from the Red Sea will be pumped into the Dead Sea...

The government of Jordan will perform the "rescue operation" to save the Dead Sea.

The water level in the lowest and most saline body of water on the planet each year goes by 1,2 meters, indicating the impending ecological catastrophe.

To save the Dead Sea the waste salt water will be pumped from desalination complex, carrying out cleaning for a year more than 10 billion cubic meters of water from the Red Sea. Despite 2 years of research, experts can not give an objective assessment of the feasibility and risks of this initiative.

According to ecologists, pumping water from the Red Sea would increase the concentration of salt in it that could harm the unique fauna and flora. Noting that the mixing of 2 types of sea water may disturb the ecological balance and lead to algae in the Dead Sea.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Welcome to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Welcome to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, a young state with a rich history, a bridge between East and West, the sea and desert, - bridge, which never ceases brisk movements in both directions. Jordan - one of the safest and friendliest countries not only in the region, but in the world. To rest in Jordan and travel to the Jordanian cities and beyond may be safely at any time.

Jordan combines oriental exotics with a European style of tourism infrastructure. Kingdom offers many options for tourism: beach recreation departments, health centers, a rich sightseeing program.

The main resorts are located on the Jordanian Red and Dead Seas, including Aqaba (Red Sea), SPA-resort Ma'in (near the Dead Sea), the famous city of Petra, Wadi Rum desert.

Travelers are interested in the monuments of past civilizations, Jordan offers a constellation of legendary attractions from different eras of human history - a constellation which is rightfully crowned Peter, this remarkably preserved in the desert the ancient city, carved directly into the living rock. Peter is not by chance was made by experts between people's organization in the UNESCO list of Masterpieces of the International Heritage.

The main attraction of modern Jordan - genuine friendliness of its inhabitants, which you can feel if you visit here. You will be happy in any part of this young beautiful country, officially founded by King Abdullah, the first relatively recently, shortly after the First World War, and nearly 46 years managed Abdullah's grandson, King Hussein.

For such a relatively short period, Jordan was able to become stable in all respects,a promising state, the main distinguishing feature of which is always peaceful domestic and foreign policy, coupled with high rates of economic growth.

After the death of King Hussein on Feb. 7, 1999 the new king of Jordan was his son, King Abdullah II. The form of Jordan has been and remains a constitutional monarchy.

Jordanian cuisine is an integral part of Arab culinary tradition, while keeping many of their characteristics. Local cuisine is not so sharp and spicy, as is commonly thought. Throughout the meal added mint, various greens and herbs, lemons all kinds, onions, marinated olives, pine nuts, etc. Among the appetizers are popular all possible versions of salads, meat and vegetable stews, pastries with different fillings, pickles and pickled vegetables. Chocolates made in Jordan are considered among the best in the Arab world. Meals in restaurants and cafes are not expensive. Alcoholoc beverages of local and foreign production can be purchased at any time, except for the Muslim month of fasting.

In Jordan, the tip never required, but there will always be greeted with great appreciation. In hotels and restaurants, you can simply add to the score of approximately 10% of the total cost of dinner, however, more common to give a small tip directly to the waiter.

Photo: You can only photograph people with their consent, and strategic objects (border crossings and airports) is prohibited.

Clothing: Evening in Jordan can be quite chilly, so do not be amiss to take a trip to this hot country and a warm sweater, scarf or shawl. For tours of Jordan will need strong comfortable shoes and clothing sporting type. Women's clothing, if possible, should not be appealing.

Souvenirs include totes from Madaba, bottles with colored sand from Petra, crafts from olive wood, pottery and copper utensils, jewelry, Bedouin jewelry from silver, black and more. You can buy cosmetics production on the basis of the Jordanian Dead Sea products.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Medina - the holy city of Islam

Medina - the city in Saudi Arabia, one of the three (along with Mecca and Jerusalem) holy cities of Islam.

Its present name (shortly for Madinat Al-Nabi in "city of the Prophet") Medina got in Islamic times. This name was given to the Muslim city-oasis Yathryb, where in 622 AD. the Prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca in order to escape persecution of opponents of the new religion. In Medina, Muhammad spent the rest of his life, leaving the city only to direct military operations and the pilgrimage to Mecca.

In Medina, the Prophet established the first mosque (Masjid Al-Nabi), and proclaimed a significant part of the Qur'an, concerning above all the rules of life of the Muslim community. In Medina, Islam acquired the character of an independent religion. It also laid the foundations of an Islamic state, the first capital of which was the Medina.

In Medina, Muhammad was buried in the mosque Masjid an-Nabi, which was adjacent to his house. Pilgrims always visit the grave of the Prophet, even though the worship is not one of the rites of the hajj.

Like Mecca, Medina is a city closed to non-Muslims.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The rights of Muslim Women

For many people, by means of propaganda, Islam is often associated with purely patriarchal religion. Yes, and life itself as it confirms this. Today, when the count went to the third millennium, the Arab countries where Islam is dominant, the women still wear the burqa and the law gives men the right to have several wives. At present, however, some women with progressive views, from those who were educated in Europe and America, advocating the rights of Muslim women against discrimination.

But the traditions of Islam are so strong that changes in the lifestyles of Arab women are taking place very slowly. And many women do not really aspire to and a radical change of his position. Many people might get the impression that Muslim women do not have any rights and perform only the will of their husbands. At first glance it may seem that this is so.

In fact, women who honor the traditions of their ancestors, and steadily adhered to enjoy social respect and, despite the fact that they wear the veil, it does not prevent them taking part in social and political activities. Respect and reverence for Muslim women has a very ancient tradition. According to legends, the most revered woman in Islam - Holy Fatima (? - 633) - the daughter of Muhammad and Khadija, the wife of Ali, the mother of Hassan and Hussein, which means - "mother of all descendants of the Prophet (including the Mahdi - the coming of the Messiah of Muslims).

In 2004 a Spanish court sentenced the town of Imam Mohammed Kamal Mustafa Fuengirola to one year and three months in prison for his book "Women in Islam", in which, according to the court, calling for violence against women.

In 2007 it was extended record Lebanese television «Ramadán TV Show», in which Dr. Mohammad Al-Arifi, imam of the mosque of the Saudi fleet Rey Fahd, said that, as one should not beat his wife. Imam forbids batter his wife. And the beat is not to inflict pain, but to influence the emotions. But, in general, to beat a woman, according to the Scriptures, is not precluded. It should be borne in mind that about killing his wife is a last resort to quell her bad temper: first of all to influence it in short, the abandonment of the intimate caresses, and if all this does not work, they are permitted to resort to beat their wifes.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mecca - the most visited city in the world.

MECCA - the holy city of all Muslims, the full name of Al-Makkah Al-Mukarramah, which means "brilliant Mecca".

Mecca is located in the western part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in the historic Hejaz region, located about 75 km from the Red Sea. Mecca is at an altitude of 300 meters in a valley surrounded by low mountains.

Mecca is known from the IV century AD. In Mecca, 570, was born the founder of the Islamic religion - prophet Muhammad (Muhammad). Here, about 610, he began to preach his ideas on the basis of which arose a new religion - Islam. In the 624, while in exile in Medina, the Prophet Muhammad introduced a rule according to which his followers, which was called "Muslims" should seek in prayer toward Mecca. (Before that, for several years, Muslims turned prayeing towards Jerusalem). In 630, when Muhammad after the exile returned to Mecca, he cleared the Ka'bah of pagan idols (and according to legend, these idols have been 340) and proclaimed it to the main shrine of Muslims . Since Mecca is the spiritual center of Islam, a sacred city for all Muslims. "Mother of cities" - Mecca is called in the Qur'an.

Century have passed away... Today Mecca is a modern city with a population of over 1 million people. But today, just as many years ago, life is connected with Mecca, the Muslim holy sites - and the Ka'ba was built around the Haram. Holy Haram Mosque (Al-Masezh al-Haram, which in Arabic means "Sacred Mosque"), located in the heart of Mecca.

Inside the building mosque is equipped with an the high level. It is enough to say that the building has 7 escalators and air is conditioned in rooms. There are special rooms for prayer and committing ablutions, and these rooms are divided into male and female.

Haram Mosque can accommodate up to 700 thousand people, true believers are placed at the same time, even on the roof of the building, which, however, for this and specially designed.

In the center of the mosque on the square, lined with marble slabs, is a sanctuary Kaaba, which Muslims are often referred to as al-Bait al-Haram, which means "sacred house".

Kaaba is a cube-shaped stone building, whose base is 10 m by 12 m and height is 15 meters (Incidentally, the word "Kaaba" comes the word "cube".) Corners of the Ka'ba are oriented to the cardinal. Kaaba is covered with a black silk cloth, having a special name "kiswa". The veil is changing every year. The upper part of the curtain is decorated with gold-embroidered sayings from the Koran. Maxims from the Koran adorn the veil, closing the door to the Kaaba. This door, by the way, is made of pure gold and weighs 286 kg.

Mecca and its environs are considered sacred ground: are forbidden the wars, cutting trees, killing living beings, except for slaughter of animals for food and sacrifice. Haram ( "Sanctuary") sometimes called the Mecca of all the surrounding areas.

Mecca is probably the most visited city in the world. At present only during the hajj Mecca is visited by 2 million people. Therefore, virtually all life in Mecca associated with servicing the pilgrims visiting the city. For the pilgrims in Mecca are built modern hotels, many of which are located in the vicinity of the Haram. However, during the Hajj pilgrims, most people are living in tents in special camps.

Jerusalem - is one of the most unique cities in the world...

The Jewish word "the Jerusalem" means "place of peace", the Arabic name of the city "Al Quds" is translated as "holiness" - the city is the most sacred city on earth for the three great religions of the world: for Jews, Christians and Muslims.

Tourists tend to Jerusalem because of the world's religions: the Western Wall, the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher, Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque: famous historic sites and colorful bustling bazaar - everything is right in the Old City (formerly East Jerusalem). In the part of the city, which formerly was called West Jerusalem, all the attractions appeared after the establishment of Israel: the Knesset, Israel Museum, Yad Vashem, the Hadassah Hospital. To the east of the Old City is the ancient Mount of Olives Jewish cemetery, it is better to go through the Garden of Gethsemane.

Wailing Wall or Kotel Ha-Maaravi (Western Wall) is the remains of Herodian structures strengthen the Temple Mount in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City. Wall 15-meter height above ground and below ground - is 7 m, the upper part is composed, apparently, in later periods of the Crusaders and later. The wall was built of huge blocks without any cement, and stones were very precisely adjusted to each other.

The wall was built by Herod without permission of Rome. Herod, being subservient to the Roman emperors, was obliged to seek permission for such construction, especially after the emperor Octavian Augustus desired to put in the Jerusalem Temple's own statue, which was avoided only with great difficulty. Herod went to the following trick: he sent a messenger to Rome for permission, and meanwhile, began construction. While the messenger reached the city, yet had an audience with the emperor, much time has passed, and the reconstruction was completed. In a response letter to the Emperor, it was stated that: "If you began to build, it is not operational. If you started - destroy it. If finished - leave everything as it is. "

At the southern corner of the wall - later (Crusaders) hole for tying up horses. Partially preserved aqueduct, carved in stone. Prophet Jeremiah predicted that the Temple would be destroyed, but the Western Wall will remain for centuries, so the Wailing Wall, though is not exactly a wall of the Temple, but was closest to her, and is considered sacred Jewish people. Received its name because it is the Jews mourn the First and Second Temples, destroyed both in one day - 9 th of Av in different years. In the area of the Kotel many excavations, and continuing today - Ophelia and the Hasmonean Tunnel. Kotel released June 7, 1967 There is a modern tradition of stuffing between the stone walls of paper with references to the Almighty, it is believed that these requests come to it quickly.

Jerusalem - is one of the most unique cities in the world, UNESCO heritage city. Just imagine the streets of this city where Jesus went on! Even for people who believe, rather superficially, these words mean a lot. Shrine of 3 religions, Jerusalem today is astounding, and tours in Jerusalem is always in demand. Who is buying tours to Jerusalem? Ordinary people, tired of life, and seeking answers to their questions. A curious young people, trying to understand the precepts of antiquity and even for a moment closer to this culture. Married couples, who grant a trip to each other on the anniversary of the wedding.

It seems that Jerusalem - is really a city where dreams can come true. Everything here is unusual and fabulous. Trip to Jerusalem - a visit to the Old World. This is an opportunity to see old churches, magnificent architectural ensembles, live next to the ancient buildings, which are located close to hotels in Jerusalem. Hotels in Jerusalem deserve separate praise. Nowhere will you find such respect for the guests, such unexpected elegant architecture and such a great morning coffee. The best hotels in Jerusalem, located near the popular sightseeing places, and ordering tours in Jerusalem, you can pre-negotiate the most convenient location. If you want to get into the best hotels in Jerusalem, it is wise to book rooms in advance.

Wise and generous Jerusalem skillfully combines traditional values and mores of our time. Your fabulous trip to Jerusalem certainly spill into an exotic, which are matched only by the European week of sales. Here you can find everything your heart desires: and stylish jeans, and scarves handmade, and ecclesiastical objects, and skilled gold ornaments. Ask your guide to what area of the city you'd better to go shopping and where to buy the most interesting souvenirs.

Israel - is the cradle of world civilization, the Holy Land of three world religions.

This is a country that each person should visit at least once. This is one of the most fascinating countries in the world where a tiny area fits unimaginable combination of Europe and Asia, mountains, forests, deserts. Israel - is the cradle of world civilization, the Holy Land of three world religions. Israel - is ancient, millennia-old tradition, one of the intersections in the dramatic history of the last century and opened in the future dynamism of modern development.

What attracts tourists in Israel? This is of course the worship of the holy places of three religions, the sacred pilgrimage to Jerusalem and Nazareth, the ancient Bethlehem, Tel Aviv unique, beautiful beaches and hotels of Eilat and Netanya, treatment and rest at the Dead Sea, ruins of the biblical settlements, wine, diamonds, exotic world of Orthodox Jews. It was on this earth formed 3 major religions. Israel combines the 3 continents: geographically it belongs to Asia, its culture now has more in common with Europe, and the climate can be compared only with the African. In Israel, you will see 4 of the sea - the Mediterranean, Red, Dead and Galliley. Travel to Israel, as a rule, include visits to world cultural heritage under UNESCO protection: the old city of Jerusalem, the ancient fortress of Nazareth, the Old City of Acre, the white city of Tel Aviv, the biblical hills, "incense road" in the Negev desert. Do not leave you indifferent and the fortress-city of the Mediterranean - Haifa, Akko and Caesarea. Welcome to the unique and blessed land - Israel!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Artificial archipelago «The World»

Artificial archipelago «The World» - an exclusive project in the UAE, where only the really rich people can afford to buy an island or a villa.

Dubai is known not only as a major world metropolis and chic resort city, but also as a place to put into practice the most crazy architectural projects. One such ambitious projects is known as «The World».

Artificial archipelago «The World» is one of the world's largest archipelago, consisting of a collection of artificial islands, equipped luxury villas, fields, golf and many resort areas. Similarly, a project in Dubai is the largest not only in the UAE, but worldwide archipelago of artificial islands Palm Island, which includes the three islands, each of which has the shape of palm trees: Palm Jumeirah, Palm Jebel Ali and the Palm Deira.

«The World» is located in the United Arab Emirates - 4 kilometers from the coast of Dubai and consists of 300 artificial islands. The uniqueness of this project lies in the fact that the shape of the archipelago repeats form the continents and the continents of the globe.

Project is realized by the company Nakheel Properties - one of the largest developers in the world. However, by the idea of creating the archipelago «The World» - His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum).

Project «The World» was inaugurated by Sheikh Mohammed in May 2003. Islands have been completed in January 2008, namely: at 8 am on Jan. 10, 2008 was laid the last stone - one of the 34 million tons of stones that were used to construct 28 km of breakwaters surrounding the more than 300 artificial islands that make up the «The World . Islands in the archipelago «The World» vary in their area from 14000 to 42000 square. meters.

This solemn moment marked the completion of the first stage of the project, including the creation of mounds of sand volume of 320 million cubic meters of sand and the creation of breakwaters, the surrounding islands total length of 9 km in length and 7 km wide. The next stage involves the transfer of the islands to developers for the design and construction of infrastructure.

Archipelago «The World», despite the fact that is completely surrounded by water, is designed in an extremely reliable - artificial islands could disappear under the water no earlier than 800 or 4 thousand years old, wrote Prian.Ru with reference to the Arabian Business.

According to Sean Lenegana, adviser on environmental issues the company Nakheel, the island will go under the water no earlier than 800 years. "Over the past hundred years the water level in the Arabian Gulf rose by 12 cm even in a hundred years it will grow in the range of 12 to 50 cm each century," - said Mr. Lenegan. - "We took into account these factors in the construction of our islands and build Palm Jumeirah at a height of 4 meters above sea level.

By January 2008 it was sold for 80% islands, 20 of which were sold during the first four months of 2007. The cost of the islands range from 7 million to 1.8 billion dollars.

One of the islands of the archipelago have bought Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. "According to rumors, star couple is going to realize on the island belonging to the artificial archipelago «The World» environmentally friendly project in order to coerce other people to" greener "lifestyle" - wrote

Sheikh Mohammed

The governor of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed used to go round their possessions behind the wheel without the security. Sometimes he walks into a cafe, where he is welcomed by his homagers. Why without security? "Why should he be afraid - everybody loves him," - explain the locals. Try to understand, why the Arabs have such a reverence to the monarchy, but their country have 7 - one for each of the emirates, which in early 1970 after gaining independence from Great Britain decided to create a new state. The most influential - are the rulers of Abu Dhabi (part-time president of the country) and Dubai (part-time prime minister).

Of course, the sheikhs were lucky: the indigenous population is small, and the territory of the country compared with neighboring Oman and Saudi Arabia appears to be relatively small - 82.9 000. kilometers. Thus, if we consider only the citizens, the UAE fall into the category of the richest countries in the world. This free education (including higher), huge salaries for civil servants, the Arabs, the villa as a gift to a young family and love, shown to the governor in a cafe, where guest workers do not go.

Colossal social stratification makes the UAE to set stringent barriers for foreigners who wish to become citizens. The French experience has shown that citizenship should not simply provide, otherwise sooner or deter but migrants or their children will find themselves in the country hosts. Arabs do not need it. But migrant workers second-class existence in the UAE does not bother: the homeland is still worse. And in the UAE can be tolerable earn - the benefit of working hands like hot cakes.

9 months and escrow accounts. In 4 years Dubai is hardly recognizable - whole new areas have grown since then. What is the secret of this speed? Traditionally, the Arabs believed that the house should be built for no longer than a woman bears a child. That is 9 months. Rule works and now - with the exception for particularly complex projects such as skyscrapers.

Simply building boom is unlikely to have made Dubai so attractive place. So, on that bet the local sheikhs - and partly by their colleagues from wealthier Abu Dhabi - can be called "economies in surprise." Absolute uniqueness of major projects - is not only a traditional Arab desire to put the wealth of show. It is also investments which typically pay for themselves directly. Yes, and will provide marketing effect for many decades.