For many people, by means of propaganda, Islam is often associated with purely patriarchal religion. Yes, and life itself as it confirms this. Today, when the count went to the third millennium, the Arab countries where Islam is dominant, the women still wear the burqa and the law gives men the right to have several wives. At present, however, some women with progressive views, from those who were educated in Europe and America, advocating the rights of Muslim women against discrimination.
But the traditions of Islam are so strong that changes in the lifestyles of Arab women are taking place very slowly. And many women do not really aspire to and a radical change of his position. Many people might get the impression that Muslim women do not have any rights and perform only the will of their husbands. At first glance it may seem that this is so.
In fact, women who honor the traditions of their ancestors, and steadily adhered to enjoy social respect and, despite the fact that they wear the veil, it does not prevent them taking part in social and political activities. Respect and reverence for Muslim women has a very ancient tradition. According to legends, the most revered woman in Islam - Holy Fatima (? - 633) - the daughter of Muhammad and Khadija, the wife of Ali, the mother of Hassan and Hussein, which means - "mother of all descendants of the Prophet (including the Mahdi - the coming of the Messiah of Muslims).
In 2004 a Spanish court sentenced the town of Imam Mohammed Kamal Mustafa Fuengirola to one year and three months in prison for his book "Women in Islam", in which, according to the court, calling for violence against women.
In 2007 it was extended record Lebanese television «Ramadán TV Show», in which Dr. Mohammad Al-Arifi, imam of the mosque of the Saudi fleet Rey Fahd, said that, as one should not beat his wife. Imam forbids batter his wife. And the beat is not to inflict pain, but to influence the emotions. But, in general, to beat a woman, according to the Scriptures, is not precluded. It should be borne in mind that about killing his wife is a last resort to quell her bad temper: first of all to influence it in short, the abandonment of the intimate caresses, and if all this does not work, they are permitted to resort to beat their wifes.
But the traditions of Islam are so strong that changes in the lifestyles of Arab women are taking place very slowly. And many women do not really aspire to and a radical change of his position. Many people might get the impression that Muslim women do not have any rights and perform only the will of their husbands. At first glance it may seem that this is so.
In fact, women who honor the traditions of their ancestors, and steadily adhered to enjoy social respect and, despite the fact that they wear the veil, it does not prevent them taking part in social and political activities. Respect and reverence for Muslim women has a very ancient tradition. According to legends, the most revered woman in Islam - Holy Fatima (? - 633) - the daughter of Muhammad and Khadija, the wife of Ali, the mother of Hassan and Hussein, which means - "mother of all descendants of the Prophet (including the Mahdi - the coming of the Messiah of Muslims).
In 2004 a Spanish court sentenced the town of Imam Mohammed Kamal Mustafa Fuengirola to one year and three months in prison for his book "Women in Islam", in which, according to the court, calling for violence against women.
In 2007 it was extended record Lebanese television «Ramadán TV Show», in which Dr. Mohammad Al-Arifi, imam of the mosque of the Saudi fleet Rey Fahd, said that, as one should not beat his wife. Imam forbids batter his wife. And the beat is not to inflict pain, but to influence the emotions. But, in general, to beat a woman, according to the Scriptures, is not precluded. It should be borne in mind that about killing his wife is a last resort to quell her bad temper: first of all to influence it in short, the abandonment of the intimate caresses, and if all this does not work, they are permitted to resort to beat their wifes.
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