Friday, February 19, 2010

Water from the Red Sea will be pumped into the Dead Sea

Water from the Red Sea will be pumped into the Dead Sea...

The government of Jordan will perform the "rescue operation" to save the Dead Sea.

The water level in the lowest and most saline body of water on the planet each year goes by 1,2 meters, indicating the impending ecological catastrophe.

To save the Dead Sea the waste salt water will be pumped from desalination complex, carrying out cleaning for a year more than 10 billion cubic meters of water from the Red Sea. Despite 2 years of research, experts can not give an objective assessment of the feasibility and risks of this initiative.

According to ecologists, pumping water from the Red Sea would increase the concentration of salt in it that could harm the unique fauna and flora. Noting that the mixing of 2 types of sea water may disturb the ecological balance and lead to algae in the Dead Sea.

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