Thursday, June 17, 2010

Arabic Etiquette: "Interrogations"...

The Arabs in general, inherent in a more peaceful than the Europeans, the ratio of the time. So if your standard business visit to an Arab country is scheduled, then be prepared for the fact that the program will continually violated. Any kind of negotiations and meetings should not be limited timeframes, and better pre-assume that will happen some delay. This is sometimes annoying representatives of Western culture, but if you start to insist on the implementation timetable, for example, then the Arab partner can give the impression that he is dealing with a very impatient person, and, moreover, excessively demanding.

Who first comes to the tent

Arriving at the office to the Arab partner in the appointed hour, you might not find him there. But you can be sure that the staff of his company will take you well. If you are offered coffee, served him in a small cup, and pour the coffee will be as long as you do not put a cup on the tray, after shaking her thumb and forefinger.

If your partner went out to Arabic to meet you halfway to the door, then, seeing you in his office, he will likely enter into it first, instead, to let the guests in advance, as provided for western tradition. This goes back to ancient times, when Badawi, inviting guests to his tent, went to his first, to show that there is safe and there is an ambush.

If you go anywhere with the Arabs, it must be remembered that the advantage is the one who is right. Therefore, at the entrance, exit, landing in the elevator, etc. first starts to move someone who is right.


At the talks the Arabs are trying to establish an atmosphere of mutual trust. Providing a warm welcome to a friend, business partner or just a stranger, the Arabs appreciated when the same attention to itself in relation to themselves. The introductory part of a business meeting - the greetings, questions, exchange of stock phrases - lasts a long time. In Arabic-speaking countries, whether talking on the phone, meeting in the office or on the street, according to Arab etiquette taken constantly questions as to its success, good health, family ... Such an "interrogation" can provoke a European, but for the Arabs it is very important. This is the basis of their etiquette and culture. Moreover, these duty issues does not imply the detailed detailed answers. Answers should be brief, sometimes, purely ritualistic.

Left hand

Being in Arab countries or even in the Middle East, we must remember that the left hand in the Islamic countries is considered "unclean". The same, incidentally, also applies to India. The fact that the left hand is used to wash intimate parts (washing instead of using toilet paper is quite justified in terms of hygiene, especially in hot climates). Therefore, transfer documents, business cards or gifts to it are prohibited, unless you previously did not tell them that you are left-handed.

If you are invited pilaf hands, using only his right hand. The notion of context of his left hand with failure, trouble, misfortune, and right - with happiness and success, as reflected in the Koran and the Bible.

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